How to manifest your desire quickly and efficiently

It's not magic it's real.
Learning how to manifest on purpose is easier than you think. In fact, the real secret is, once you learn how, it’s ridiculously easy!
The following ‘rules’ can be applied to anything you desire to bring into your life.
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First of all make sure you take the "stress" out of it...
Why take manifesting seriously? You already know the value of hard work, but you don’t have to make such a big deal out of manifesting. Think of it as a game, as a pure game of pretending like you did when you were a child.
Approach manifesting from the perspective of play, delight, fun… To take your needy, desperate, fearful and lack-based vibes out of the equation.
A child’s imagination knows no bounds.
Unfortunately, as adults we have placed some pretty hefty limitations on our imaginations, for no good reason except that other people said so – for example, “you can’t get ahead without a college education” or “it takes money to make money” or “it’s not what you know but who you know.” Says who?
Tell that nonsense to the many self-made millionaires who started out with no education, no money, nothing but a lot of imagination and desire.
Try these principles of manifestation.
Believe what you see in your mind
Whatever you want already exists in your imagination, doesn’t it? Therefore it is just as real as any other idea you have ever had that came to fruition. Play with the belief that what you want is already waiting for you. You’ve placed the order, now you’re on your way to pick it up. What have you got to lose?
Believe in the power of your thoughts and emotions
You know how good it feels to have what you want. Embody that feeling and infuse your visualization with its powerful vibration. It’s all good. Relax and have fun.
Believe in the ‘Impossible’
Have fun with this and leave the logical mind at home. This is about using the power of thoughts, emotions and your intentions. You don’t need to worry if or how it will manifest.
Throw yourself into it
A child puts him- or herself completely into their imaginary world. Put yourself in yours!
Don’t worry, be happy
Positive vibrations attract positive vibrations. Most of us think, “I’ll be happy when… (I find that special someone, land that deal, get a new house, etc.)…” sure you will, but will your current energetic vibration attract those things you want?
Are you vibrating “I don’t think I deserve that, even though it would be really nice…” instead of “I’m so happy, and more goodness is on its way!
Which one is better: “I’m in love with this dream, but I don’t know how to make it happen!” or “I’m in love with this dream and I just love how it’s all coming together for me!”
Believe in your vision! It is already real!
Worry, fear, anxiety, doubt or resistance in the form of limiting beliefs pollute and dilute your vibration. Remember happiness will make you a magnet for what you desire.
Fill yourself with positive emotions. Fill every cell with love, happiness, joy, peace… and let that light, bright energy radiate outward to attract what you want! The more you amplify positive emotions, the higher and more powerful your vibe will be!
See what you want to see
Visualization is a powerful vibration booster. Physical reality isn’t far behind the wonderful ideas you plant in your imagination – IF you water them with love, enthusiasm, unwavering belief and lots of happiness.
Imagine it really is this easy to manifest anything you want
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